
Showing posts from February, 2018

Justin Timberlake - Man Of The Woods (2018) Review

Well, let’s begin this. I’ll admit it, I’m a Justin Timberlake fan. He seems like the biggest guy to ever come from a boy band, and has got enough charm and talent in him. I do remember him being one of the biggest artists back in 2006, especially with something as odd as Sexyback, and something as big as What Goes Around Comes Around. He still had it in 2013, with Mirrors and Suit and Tie, and even Not A Bad Thing. But now, he’s back, and I’ll admit, I was worried about him, especially with the shitty comebacks of Katy Perry and Eminem. I honestly did not want him to fall into another artist who became nothing but mainstream BS..though he was already mainstream to begin with. But yeah, will this album deliver? Um...I don’t know. Filthy So we begin this album with his most split and hated song yet, Filthy. In my opinion, this is his most weirdest song yet. Basically, it’s a sex song with some pretty questionable lyrics (WHAT YOU GONNA DO WITH ALL THAT MEAT?), and JT...