Little Mix - Salute (2013) Review

So, let's begin the year with our first review. That is, of an album I've promised to review, but got to other albums first. This time, it's a popular U.K group known as Little Mix.

Little Mix - Salute
Released On: 
November 8, 2013 (U.K)

Ah, 2013. The year I discovered what a depression was...I mean,eh? But anyways, I chose these guys to compare to Fifth Harmony. To recap my review of their first album...I didn't like it. While the girls have talent, they relied on these diva-esqe personalities that made the album pretty hard to listen to. However, I've heard Little Mix was the better group. Before the album, I only knew, like, two songs from them. Also, why did I choose their second album, and not the 2015 one? Cause Ive heard this was their best album, or something. Now, do I agree they're better than Little Mix? Let's see.

1. Salute
So to begin this album, we have the title track, which empowerment anthem.

Oh goody, it's not like 5H did a good job at these. But, good news. This song is actually pretty good. Basically, it's a call to arms to all the strong women in the world, and it's a fun one at that. I like the atmosphere and production of the song, and it does have a great chorus. So yeah, already, this KICKS Reflection's title songs' ass. 3/4

2. Move
Now we get to a dance song, and...I really don't care for it. IDK, nothing really sticks out for me for this. It isn't bad, but just standard at best. Yes, nothing really else to say. 2.5/4

3. Little Me
Now we return to the empowerment anthems, and perhaps my favorite song on the album. This time, it's about telling the girls who feel empty and worthless that they're beautiful, and need to stand up for themselves. We get a great chorus, with a great performance from the girls, with the ultimate empowerment song, that runs circles around the futures' Scars To Your Beautiful. Yeah, this one is great. 3.5/4

4. Nothing Feels Like You
Now we get to the love songs. This time, it's the basic, everything sucks compared to you love song. A good performance from the girls, and yeah, that's it. A little underwhelming, but still, enjoyable. 3/4

5. Towers
Now we get to a break-up song. I'll be honest here, the writing is pretty weak on this. IDK, I guess the sad metaphors don't stick out to me in the chorus. However, the girls still manage to give a good performance nonetheless, which makes up for it. 3/4

6. Competition
Now we get to another empowerment anthem, but it's for relationships this time. It's about being the bigger girl in a relationship, comparing it to a race. This is where the vocals shine out, with some great harmonizing by the end of the chorus' last verse, and once again, just another fun song that does EMPOWERMENT right.

Hang on, am I gonna get tired of these empowerment anthems? 3/4

7. These Four Walls
Now we get to another break-up song, or at least a post break-up song. Once again, I get the same impression as I did from Towers. Good performance, but pretty weak lyrics that don't hit me. This time, I feel less from this. 2.5/4

8. About The Boy
Another dance song, but again, the same impression as Move. Nothing really stands out, other than the voices. Yeah, I got nothing else. 2.5/4

9. Boy
Now we get to another post break-up song, this time, in the form of an empowerment song. Basically, it's about forgetting the man who dumped you, moving on, and feeling good about yourself. Was it just me, or did the production and chorus sound too similar to Are You That Somebody? But with that, this is another fun song, with great vocals, and even a HIGH NOTE. Yeah, this is another good one. 3/4

10. Good Enough
Now we get to another post break-up ballad. However, this one sticks out the most for me, since the vocals are the best for these songs. Yeah, same as the other two, but with some improvement. 3/4

11. Mr. Loverboy
Another fun love song, with great vocals., I got nothing else. Sorry 3/4

12. A Different Beat
We end the album with a dance song, and unlike the other two, this does stick our, for a good beat. Same key elements, and that's our album. 3/4

BTW, for the bonus songs.
See Me Now 3/4
They Just Don't Know You 3/4
Stand Down 3/4

Well, that was good. Not great. Just good. The girls have good voices, and have good chemistry in the group, not to mention their harmonizing can provide some pretty great moments in their songs.  Not to mention, their entire purpose feels like it's to empower girls and have fun, which is a plus. 

However, despite the fun songs, the writing kinda lacks on this, but mostly for just the emotional ballads, which mostly don't stand out for me. But still, with that said, let me answer this question: are they better than Fifth Harmony?

I'll be honest...yes. I mean, 5H is more mainstream, yet are more diva-esqe, and they especially use a lot of mainstream music cliches, while Little Mix just wants to have fun. So yeah, while Little Mix isn't my cup of tea, they still provide some good.

Little Me, Salute, Competition, Mr. Loverboy

Least Favorites:
About A Boy

So yeah, see you next time, where I review an artist nobody cares about anymore, yet was famous for some reason. I call her, the 2000s Noah Cyrus. Well, no wonder they call this one of the many Pieces Of Shit.

Songs Of The Post:


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